Brabham Primary School
Brabham Primary School
MPS Architects were appointed as the Lead Consultant from the BMW Architectural Services panel which comprised of six various firms.
The school comprises of an Administration Block with Dental Area, Covered Assembly with Canteen & Music Room, Library, Early Childhood Block, Education Support Block, three Standard Classroom Blocks and a Special Teaching Block.
Additional facilities for integrated and high needs students were also incorporated throughout the school. Space is allocated for future transportable buildings and the school will be serviced by sporting facilities (Oval & Tennis/ Basketball Courts) on land adjacent that will be a shared use facility between the Local Authority and the Education Department. Memorable outcomes include the public art collaboration with Geoffrey Drake-Brockman.
Design, Documentation, Contract Administration
$20 million
2018 - 2020
Brett Priest - Project Director, Design Manager
Vitas Silvestri - Project Lead, Superintendent’s Representative
Alun Wheeler - Documentation Manager
Project Value:
Key Personnel: